Already an option of "walking at most X floors" would be a little more laborious, requiring to store an additional state for each route.And for the thing to work well in practice, it would be ideal to have average lift waiting time metrics at every time.The general idea is that the weights of each edge, that is, of walking each stretch, would have to based on a dynamic function that considered the user settings and also traffic information of that stretch.However, depending on the amount of nodes and the load of use of the system, this may be ineffective. The question of avoiding elevators at peak times could be another configuration by the user. For example, the setting for the disabled would put an infinite cost on the stairs and other roads without accessibility so that they were never selected. In a very simple way, connecting the floors through an edge, creating a kind of three-dimensional graph seems to me the most suitable solution.The algorithm, however, should be customized according to certain conditions. $collection = $category->getProductCollection() In the list file you need to add the specific category filter as below:load($categoryid) Template to be used for display:template="catalog/product/featured.phtml" Quantity of products to be listed:num_products="4" Number of columns, it is not necessary:columnCount="2" I'll try to explain a little more:Here we carry the type of catalogo ramdom:type="catalog/product_list_random" If used Python 3.5 you can use which is considerably more efficient if the operating system implements os.sendfileOtherwise you will use send:import socket With socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s: A very simplified example of a server that sends a file to a client could be: readlinesapart from inefficient to create a list and have to iterate about the file looking for the ends of the line, it doesn't really contribute anything.To send the file we can simply open it in binary mosenddo and with a while to read it in fragments using read. Sc_listener.If you're just gonna send the file, it doesn't make much sense to use. if the socket is not closed php will load for maximum required time and then error TextBox1.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate )) īuffers = (back_data) Int bytes_recieved = re_socket.EndReceive(socket) Socket re_socket = ((Socket)socket.AsyncState) the system need to wait so i make a loop when it gets data Sc_listener.BeginReceive(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, receive, sc_listener) Socket sc_listener = ((Socket)socket_object.AsyncState).EndAccept(socket_object) ĪsyncCallback receive = new AsyncCallback(receive_data) Void procces_incoming_socket(IAsyncResult socket_object) Sc_listener.BeginAccept(callback, sc_listener) IPEndPoint ip_local = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Loopback, 1225) ĪsyncCallback callback = new AsyncCallback(procces_incoming_socket) Sc_listener = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp) So the socket solution is: private void Form3_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) Boardy's solution is correct but I think doing this by socket is better. Another problem, in the C# I need to have Console.ReadLine() otherwise the c# program will exit but the PHP Script does then finish as expected.īasically, what I want to know is this the best way to read the data that is sent on the socket, what is the best way to keep the program running so it keep on listening on the socket and how I send back a reply so that the php script can finish.
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The PHP script seems to stay waiting and doesn't finish, I'm guessing its being its because the socket on the c# app to send a response back but I have no idea how to do this. Int bytesRead = stream.Read(data, 0, Convert.ToInt32(client.ReceiveBufferSize)) NetworkStream stream = client.GetStream() īyte data = new byte TcpClient client = listener.AcceptTcpClient() TcpListener listener = new TcpListener(serverAddress, 12345) IPAddress serverAddress = IPAddress.Parse("") In the C# project I have the following: public void startListen() In the PHP script I have the following: echo "Opening Client" I am working on a c# and php project where the PHP script opens a socket to a c# program and the c# program will read the data and then send a response back.